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Edward-T Moises;

Executive Director

The Executive Director who also is the president of the Orpe Human Rights Advocates, appointed by the Board of Directors with the advice and consent of the Council of the Order for Restoring Peace on Earth, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization. He is the head of the OHRA and chair of the Executive Committee of the OHRA. The president directs the executive body of the OHRA and is the chief political and diplomatic affairs of the OHRA. He has the power of the organization as a whole. Moises has served as participating lawyer at the Law Firm of Fremaux and Associate in Paris, advocate of the good cause, and speaker at the United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy. As a fellow of the 9th session of French Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies (CEDS), worked with French government as political expert for African Affairs. He was the chief executive officer of Rene Descartes University of Angola. Promoted the Coalition of Angola's Regime Change. He is known for his braveness of being the first to challenge the Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos and its dictatorship regime in the U.S. Federal Court of the District Court of Maryland for human rights violations. He was the Chairman of the United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy. Moises holds a PhD in international relations and diplomacy from the French "School of International Affairs." He also holds Law School degree from Temple University, Beasley School of Law; post-graduate degree in Law (3th cycle level) from the Law School of the University Paris-XI. Moises is the 9th Session fellow of the French Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies.

Edward-T Moises; 
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