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Mountain Lake
Our Values
God's Purpose Matter

We Are Light Shiners in the Midst of Darkness:

  • We Are Committed to Poor

  • We Value People

  • We Are Stewards

  • We Are Partners

  • We Are Responsive

Upholding the divine mandate to be a light in the darkness, fostering love, justice, and peace. In practice, we:

  • Safeguard and restore human dignity.

  • Stand up for the rights of those who are unable to voice their own fundamental freedoms.

  • Encourage initiatives that help individuals in poverty attain economic self-sufficiency.

  • Deliver integrated support and social services within communities while advocating for the elimination of social economic disparities.​

  • Combat impunity for the gravest crimes by promoting the rule of law and defending victims' rights.​

  • Equip the next generation of strong and wise leaders to influence outcomes, advocate for transformative policies, and create lasting change in organizations, communities, nations, and the world for the greater good.

  • Reveal God to humanity so that those who believe in Him may be saved, spreading the gospel for the redemption of humankind. Guide people to understand their spiritual nature and their role in the divine order, unveiling the truth of the Kingdom of Heaven. Uphold divine truth and pray for the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven in the world.

  • I control the course of events. I remove kings and set up other kings.

  • I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.

  • You should be subject to the governing authorities because they have been appointed by Me.

  • Pray intercede, and give thanks for all men, all kings, and all who are in authority.

  • Do not be like the dreamers who reject authority and speak evil of dignitaries.

     Daniel 2: 21; Romans 13:1; Timothy 2:1-2;      Jude 8.

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