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Human Rights Advocates
Order for Restoring Peace on Earth - O. R. P. E.
Advocate for Restoring Peace on Earth
Together, we hold the power to transform our world. Let us pledge to align with divine will, grow spiritually, and act physically to bring peace to every corner of the Earth. But, before we can heal the world, we must first heal our hearts. Anger, fear, and resentment are barriers to peace.
What We Do - U.S.
Poverty Alleviation
People living in poverty, an increasing number of whom are women and children, face deprivation, exclusion, insecurity and voice-lessness. Interrelated issues such as use of OPIOID add up to powerlessness. It is widely accepted that vicious cycle of poverty is the result in part of the lack of adequate education and skills, health issues, and lack of the opportunities. Orpe Human Rights Advocates is at hard working by promoting vocational programs deemed to move forward communities and programs that move lives from the status of insufficient-income to the status of self-sufficient incomes. We are particularly concerned by homeless people, veterans, and low-income families.
Integrated Behavioral and Health Care
Comprehensive Legal Services
Housing Services
Self-Sufficient Income Programs
Promoting Social Enterprise Initiatives
Professional Skills Building
Career Development
Executive and Leadership Development
Personal Development Skills Building
Promoting Entrepreneurship Initiatives
Coordinated Social Services
Projects Development
Fighting Crimes
Empowering Change - Makers
Empowering for Self-Sufficient Income
Shelter Services
Self-Efficacy Programs
Free Legal Services
Professional Skills Building
Personal Development Skills Building
Job Placement/Employment Services
Restoring Human Dignity
Free Legal Services
Victims of Human Trafficking
Victims of Sexual Assault
Victims of Domestic Violence
Youth/Child Abuse
Immigration Legal Services
Victims of Human Rights Abuses
Victims of Professional Malpractice
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